
Complete tasks on Entity's Telegram Mini-App for even more rewards

Get Started

  1. Join our Telegram Mini-App to earn more Astro Credits and bonus prizes.

  2. Connect your Telegram account to the Space Race here.

Telegram Troubleshooting

  1. Unable to connect your account? Try the following steps using your current browser and not the Telegram integrated browser:

  2. Disconnect all connections with Telegram.

  3. Log in on the Space Race website and leave the page open.

  4. Click here to connect your Telegram. This will either redirect back to the Space Race or close directly.

  5. If your Telegram is not yet connected, click the link again.

If your Telegram does not immediately connect, try waiting a moment and reloading the page. You may have to log out and log back in, but eventually the account should appear as connected.

Last updated